I think it’s safe to say I’m not very good at this, blogging that is. I’m an amateur…a wanna-be and I might be better at it if I didn’t write with a glass of wine in hand. Wait–I take that back, I wrote some of my best college papers with a glass of wine, just one. If I had two that’ s when I got a little sloppy. I’ve enjoyed writing since I can remember. In Junior High I wanted to be in Honors English, with a specific teacher because she was known to make her students write a lot. I really should have gone into Journalism. I’m sure I would have enjoyed that. Well, blogging it is!
About a year ago I started this blog. I didn’t do a whole lot with it, I tried here and there to do a few posts. Unfortunately, I’ve always allowed fear to interfere with my progression in this realm. Afraid maybe I wasn’t doing it right, didn’t have enough experience, thinking perhaps no one would like it. So, I started to let excuses get in the way. Last summer we moved from Arizona back to Utah, where we are originally from. I told myself moving is hectic (which it is) you don’t have time for Insta or blogging. So I stopped. I wasn’t getting much traction or followers. I gave up in a way. I let my insecurities sneak back into my creative outlet I loved so much.
A few months went by with no posting. I wanted to get back into it, I just didn’t have the courage at the time. I let those excuses get the best of me….an out of state move, kids in new school, a change in my territory (my day job), hubby continuing to build his business…blah, blah, blah. It reminded me of the time that I decided to go back to college to get my degree when I was 27 years old with three kids. When I made that decision, I told myself there was never going to be the “right time” to go back and get my degree. If it was truly a goal of mine, which it was, I needed to just throw it into the mix. That is exactly what I did and had my degree 2 1/2 years later and another baby later. 😉
I really missed it….my brookeblend pics and posts, even if it was very little I had done up to that point. I enjoyed it. At the beginning of this year I had some hackers that got into my website and contemplated quitting it altogether. I thought, ‘I’m not using it anyways, why have it if I’m not doing anything with it??’ I was at a crossroads…I needed to make a decision.
At the end of January I started looking at my posts. I read my own words and looked through my pics. It made me smile. I thought about my friends and their encouraging words to keep doing what I was doing. I started to get that feeling inside, that motivation that we all get from time to time. I decided that night to keep my blog, to keep doing what I enjoyed so much.
January 28th I posted for the first time in three months. It felt invigorating. I was excited. I was committed. I was going to continue posting and blogging for me. Yes, it’s so much fun to get new followers and comments and likes. It’s only natural to have positive feelings from that. But when it all comes down to it, I’m doing this for me, for my happiness…for my sanity…for my passions.
So, I will apologize right now if I offend anyone. I do cuss a lot and that may come out in my writing from time to time. But that is me and I’m okay with that. The great thing about Instagram is that you can unfollow if you don’t like what you see. Feel free to do that if you don’t like what I’m about. Which brings me to my next point…is there some kind of Instagram Etiquette that I should be aware of?! Apparently I haven’t done enough research on the subject. I’ve noticed my follower “count” goes up and down. I realize the importance of supporting each other and returning a follow for a follow but in all honesty, sometimes I don’t want to follow someone that just followed me. Is that bad? Am I doing something wrong? Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Again, I’m an amateur.
Okay, now that I got that all out of the way…lol…I promised to share a little more about me. I’m married to a wonderful guy that adores me. I am so lucky to have found my soul mate, I know it’s rare and I don’t take it for granted. Below you will see a blurry pic of me and my sweetie at our favorite winery, A.Rafanelli. If you haven’t been there, GO!! They are located in Healdsburg, CA. You will not be disappointed if you like Cabernets and Zinfandels.

I am a mother to four children. I have been blessed to have good kids. Now our youngest may eventually give us hell and make up for all the other well behaved kids, but I’ll take it! She’s a little sassy…like her mother. 😉
Other than fashion, drinking wine and home décor, I work full time as a Sales Executive for an insurance company that works with credit unions, I’m an avid runner (have run the Boston Marathon twice) and I do actually like to cook when I have all the ingredients available and music playing. My hubby normally does the cooking but it’s very therapeutic for me when I get the chance. We have two dogs; a German shepherd and a Cha-weeny. Did I spell that right? Hell, I don’t know….I’ve been drinking. Anyhow, our German is exceptionally smart and the Cha-weeny????….not so much. But adorable at the least.

Okay, I’ve rambled on long enough. Time to go finish my wine. Sincerely, thank you for taking the time to read this post. Thank you for following my Instagram. Thank you for supporting me in my passion, in my creative outlet… making sure fear doesn’t win. Fuck it, I’m going to keep doing this for me and if you happen to like what you see, please stay tuned, there will be more.
Cheers! ~B