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Taking The Plunge

Wow, this is really happening. I’m starting a blog. It’s something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, I’ve just always had an excuse as to why I can’t do it….’I don’t know where to even start’, ‘I’m too busy’, ‘I won’t be able to keep up with it on a regular basis’, ‘I’m not creative enough’…when it really came down to it, the biggest reason was fear of failure. Yep, I’m the type that will avoid something just so I won’t fail at it. Not anymore, things are about to change. I’m pushing myself out of my comfort zone and I think I’m going to like it.

I’ve had a love for writing from a young age. I remember in Jr. High I was that student that begged to be in Honors English. In my free time, instead of playing on the Nintendo (showing my age here) I would much rather be in my room, with a pen and pad, writing a fictional story. Years ago when my Mom was cleaning out some closets she found a bunch of my stories and gave them to me. I laugh at some of the things I came up with. What fond memories!

With social media, I see and experience the good and the bad. Having a blog is a great way to connect with other people that have some of the same passions as you do. I’m excited for that piece of it.  It’s a fun creative outlet, or at least that’s what I’m hoping for. I’m also hoping it will be a stress reliever for me from my day job. I’m a Sales Executive for an Insurance company, which equals to a lot of pressure, anxiety, long days, sleepless nights and travel away from my family.

As for the “bad” of social media-for me personally, I pretty much gave up Facebook. I honestly check it two to three times a month and when I do check it, it reminds me of why I stopped in the first place. I seriously felt like it was making me dumber. My attention span was getting to the point of being very minimal, which started bleeding into other aspects of my life; my family and my career. I seemed to also have problems concentrating, I wanted to multi-task everything I did, thinking I could get more done…which was not the case. In reality, I wasn’t doing anything well. I don’t mean to pick on Facebook specifically but out of all the social media out there, this is the one that had the most negative impact on me.

With all that said, I’m excited to see where this blogging experience takes me. I’m not looking to get famous from it or doing it for acceptance. I’m doing it for me. I’m doing it for my mental health. I’m doing it so my creative self can come out and play. If I get supporters along the way, awesome. I love making new friends and look forward to the interactions that come with the territory. My hope is this blog will be that constructive, meaningful outlet that my brain has been craving.

So, if you are wondering what I’ll be writing about, it’s going to consist of “much to do about nothing”. I have a love for fashion (shoes and purses especially), don’t worry this won’t be a fashion only blog. I’m a huge wine lover. You can call me a wine snob, I deserve that title. I also look forward to writing about my crazy friends, adventures and my family. My writing won’t always be about butterflies and rainbows. I’m not here to put on a façade that my life is perfect. Some days I may write about disappointment, frustrations or sadness. I hope you’ll find the content to be real. I hope it makes you laugh. Sometimes it might make you cry. Most importantly, I want to get something positive out of it and if you do as well, then it’s made a difference.

As a new blogger, I’m learning a lot and want to be a continuous student. This process of setting up a blog has been exciting and frustrating already. I’m still getting the hang of the dashboard, settings, tools and all things in between. So, if you have any advice you can give me, please do so! I would greatly appreciate it.

Here’s to happy blogging! 😉



1 Comment

Ben Slivka
Ben Slivka
Jan 15, 2024

I scrolled back to your first post here to learn more about why you started your blog. I look forward to reading your 3/6/2024 post so I can hear what you have learned from your 8 years of blogging. [I created in 1997, before blogging was a thing. After I started traveling so much in 2012, it was easier to Facebook and YouTube, so I mostly stopped posting there. I had created a WordPress in 2007, but did not make my first real post on until May 2015. I should probably post more often, but I've got photos on and over 4,000 videos on (YouTube). Cheers!]

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