Love at first sight. You could call it that. The rolling green hills, the vines dancing in the breeze, showing just how exquisite they can be. Early morning fog pillowing the mountain tops with an inviting crispness in the air. By lunch time, clear blue skies and sunshine warming my soul, or maybe that’s the wine talking. Napa Valley, where my love of wine started, thirteen years ago.
I was naïve then, knowing very little about wine. But it didn’t take long for Napa Valley to seduce me. Showing off its beautiful hillside vineyards, endless wine and adoring restaurants and cafés. Staying in a bed and breakfast right downtown was also a delight. Waking up to a warm, homemade breakfast in bed was welcomed each day. The evening wine tastings in the lobby were also fun, getting to know other guests from around the world!
It became true love from the enjoyment of hearing each winery’s story. That is what I fell in love with. The stories. Every winery has one. A unique story. In most cases, they didn’t get where they are without some challenges along the way. The wine is great but hearing a winery’s personal story is my favorite.

I was so excited to be a part of Love Story Wines, #tellMeALoveStory campaign, especially since they are located in Verona, Italy, a beautiful city I’ve been fortunate enough to visit. This Dry Rosé is delicious! Soft cherry and strawberry flavors with a refreshing acidity. This Rosé would go well with spicy Thai. They would compliment each other nicely. A chic Rosé indeed.

What’s your love story?? Cheers!